From 1980 until today, Cava Diapon is a prominent place in the beverage and wine trade.

Our longstanding presence in Corfu market is the greatest proof of our credibility and experience.
Our cellar has a wide range of products (over 7,000 codes) to meet every requirement in every price and quality rating.
In Cava Diapon you will find a variety of distinguished beverage and wine labels, both Greek and international.
You will still find a great collection of bartending, hotel and much more.
Experienced staff will help and guide you with the tasting features of your products to help you choose your favourite drinks, your business, your personal cellar or your loved people.
Throughout the course of these 35 years, the company continually evolves and improves on the basis of quality, consistency and customer service, building long-term partnerships.


Financial Data for 2019